Info: Husband, Father, sports fan, gamer, and forever learner
Background: Former gym manager turned cyber enthusiast
Day-to-Day: IT Service Desk Specialist @ 24 Hour Fitness since 2019
Certifications: CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+, MS O365 Fundamentals
Education: Palomar College Certificate of Completion of Gen Ed
Social Media:
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/carlosinit
About Me
I was born and raised in the northern part of San Diego.I consider myself an extremely fortunate man. I start my day working at a job in a field i am truly passionate about and finish the evening with my family that i truly love.
After putting my kids to bed, i proceed to spend time with my wife until she ultimately falls asleep to the sound of me trying to explain pfsense. From there, i spend most late nights reading a book from No Starch Press or on my favorite platforms (Hack-The-Box, Pluralsight, Youtube, etc..) learning something new and then putting it to practice.
I always knew i had an interest in security, but after digging into the basics of every other area of IT, and always coming back, i knew i loved it.
Motivated individual with a passion for defending others. Whether it's my family or my company's network, I find innovative and necessary solutions to ensure protection from common and new threat actors.
Was that a pretty clever intro? I wrote that myself. Without ChatGPT!
Cyber Security
Explore my projects showcasing skills in cyber security and IT.
Network Security
Projects focused on securing network infrastructures and protocols.
Data Protection
Implementing strategies for safeguarding sensitive information effectively.
Vulnerability Assessment
Analyzing systems to identify and mitigate security risks.
Incident Response
Developing plans to address and recover from security breaches.